由 菁菜園 栽培並孕育本土種籽與累積育苗經驗,經過蒸餾萃取後,製成肌膚保養品與手工皂、金箔皂等潔身用品。海茴香 Crithmum Maritimum、Criste Marine 通稱: Sea fennel。
由 菁菜園 栽培並孕育本土種籽與累積育苗經驗,經過蒸餾萃取後,製成肌膚保養品與手工皂、金箔皂等潔身用品。海茴香 Crithmum Maritimum、Criste Marine 通稱: Sea fennel。
重視肌膚保養的您,海茴香是您所熟悉的植物名稱,您知道它的好,卻沒有機會親眼見過? 菁菜園QingGarden在台灣本地種植海茴香,始自2015年。
In the 19th century, Sea Fennel was being shipped in barrels filled with sea water from the South to London markets and was sold as Craest Marine.
In England, it was cultivated as an ornamental in gardens where it is easy to grow liking a light, rich soil. Obtaining seed commercially is now difficult, and in the United Kingdom the removal of wild plants is illegal under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
The reclaimed piece of land next to the UK ort of Dover is called Samphire Hoe which is named after rock samphire. The land was created from spoil from the building of the Channel Tunnel and rock samphire used to be harvested from the nearby cliffs.
菁菜園 是台灣極少數室內土耕的植物栽培者,除了在桃園設置室內育苗區,在彰化設有自然農耕區,自從2015年以來,成功栽培:海茴香,並孕育出第一代台灣本土種子,在研究出理想的萃取模式之後,將萃取液交由皂籽瓏製作成手工皂。